SPMT610 - Sports Finance

Course Details

Course Code: SPMT610 Course ID: 2769 Credit Hours: 3 Level: Graduate

The main thrust of this course is the application of principles and practices of financial management, as it applies to organizations in the sport industry. This course seeks to develop the financial skills necessary to gain an understanding of an array of financial concepts that impact sport managers. Students will examine financial strategies related to sport entities and organizations and will be introduced to current economic and financial issues that impact the sport industry. Included in the course are the basics of accounting, budgets and budgeting systems, performance measures creation, and financial statement evaluation for the purpose of cost analysis and planning. Other topics include budget development, funding, capital projects, economic impact, and supply and demand in the sport industry.

Course Schedule

Registration Dates Course Dates Start Month Session Weeks
12/25/2023 - 05/31/2024 06/03/2024 - 07/28/2024 June Spring 2024 Session D 8 Week session
02/26/2024 - 08/02/2024 08/05/2024 - 09/29/2024 August Summer 2024 Session I 8 Week session
04/29/2024 - 10/04/2024 10/07/2024 - 12/01/2024 October Fall 2024 Session B 8 Week session

Previous Syllabi

Not current for future courses.