ENTD380 - Introduction to Object Oriented Programming with Java®

Course Details

Course Code: ENTD380 Course ID: 4893 Credit Hours: 3 Level: Undergraduate

This course is an introduction to the concepts and principles of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) using Java® programming language. Writing programs for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets is in growing demand. Java is one of the most popular programming languages used to address this need, especially for requirements involving several computing devices. The course addresses Java fundamentals, branching and loop control structures, subroutines, objects and classes, Graphical User Interface (GUI) program, arrays, recursion and linked data structures, and other Java related concepts and principles. This course solidifies a theoretical overview of designing and developing applications using Java programming language. The course will also provide both conceptual and scenario based exercises, thus enabling students to experience the maximum amount of comprehension and retention of material covered. This software is not provided by the course material grant and must be purchased/provided by the student. (Prerequisite: ENTD200) Java® is a registered trademark of Oracle America, Inc.

Course Schedule

Registration Dates Course Dates Start Month Session Weeks
12/25/2023 - 05/31/2024 06/03/2024 - 07/28/2024 June Spring 2024 Session D 8 Week session
02/26/2024 - 08/02/2024 08/05/2024 - 09/29/2024 August Summer 2024 Session I 8 Week session
04/29/2024 - 10/04/2024 10/07/2024 - 12/01/2024 October Fall 2024 Session B 8 Week session

Previous Syllabi

Not current for future courses.