MILH370 - The Korean War

Course Details

Course Code: MILH370 Course ID: 3386 Credit Hours: 3 Level: Undergraduate

This course provides a history of the Korean War from pre-hostilities to post-ceasefire. The course mainly concentrates on the U.S. and South Korean conflict against North Korean and Chinese forces, but other UN participants are covered throughout the course. All three levels of conflict, from tactical to strategic are discussed. The increase in technology, the usage of modern weapons, POWs, and the continued presence of U.S. forces in the Republic of South Korea are also covered. (Prerequisite: HIST300/HS334 for History and Military History majors only)

Course Schedule

Registration Dates Course Dates Start Month Session Weeks
01/29/2024 - 06/28/2024 07/01/2024 - 08/25/2024 July Summer 2024 Session B 8 Week session
04/29/2024 - 10/04/2024 10/07/2024 - 12/01/2024 October Fall 2024 Session B 8 Week session

Previous Syllabi

Not current for future courses.