APUS faculty and students participate in research designed to marry intellectual ambition with the practical application of knowledge attained through scientific inquiry in order to address real world problems. This page lists a summary or faculty research abstracts as well as webinars and conferences of interest to the APUS academic community.

Research Abstracts

Narratives of Conflict in the Great Lakes Region of Africa: Strong Man Politics and Communicating Ideology
Jason Anderson, Instructor School of Security and Global Studies

A Comparison between U.S./Israel Relations During President Obama's First Term and that of President George H.W. Bush (1989-1992)
James Barney, Associate Professor School of Security and Global Studies

Geographic variation in gut parasites among free ranging vervet monkeys
Dr. Jennifer Cramer, Program Director School of Arts and Humanities

Radical Animal Rights Extremism: Assessing the Nature of the Threat
Nicole K. Drumhiller, Program Director School of Security & Global Studies, and Jason Roesler

The interpretive communities of first year undergraduate online students: An exploratory factor analysis
Susan Ferebee, Instructor School of Business

Humanities at Work: Unpacking the Experiential Learning of Military Members
Dr. Grace Glass, Dean School of Arts and Humanities
Dr. Bethanie Hansen, Faculty Director School of Arts and Humanities
Dr. Jennifer Cramer, Program Director School of Arts and Humanities
Dr. Colleen Lindecker, Program Director School of Arts and Humanities
Dr. Greg Stratman, Faculty Director School of Arts and Humanities
Dr. Rick Hines, Program Director School of Arts and Humanities
Dr. Jeff Stone, Faculty Director School of Arts and Humanities

Who Can I Be Now: An Examination of Refugee Entrepreneurs in Germany and the Netherlands
Dr. Ronald Johnson, Professor School of Business

The Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands Disputes in the U.S.-Japan-China Strategic Triangle: Explanations from Analytical Eclecticism
Dr. Yukinori Komine, Associate Professor, School of Security and Global Studies

Habitat and Community Characterization of two New England Reintroduced Populations of a Global Threatened Beach Plant, Seabeach Amaranth (Amaranthus pumilus)
Kristen Kostelnik, Assistant Professor School of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math

What’s Technology Got to Do with It? Using Geospatial Technology to Diffuse Conflict in Geographically Challenged Areas
Liam O’Brien, Instructor School of Security & Global Studies, and Nicole K. Drumhiller, Program Director School of Security & Global Studies

Correlation of Remotely Sensed Data with Wetland Condition as Determined through Field Data: Tapping the National Wetland Condition Assessment (NWCA) to Address Wetland Condition across Scales
Dr. Kelly Reiss, Program Director School of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math

Impact of Course Quality on Student Academic Performance
Dr. Cassandra Shaw, Program Director School of Business
Dr. Thomas Schaefer, Program Director School of Business
Dr. Chad Patrizi, Dean School of Business
Dr. Kathleen Irwin, Program Director School of Business

Allan and Helen Cruickshank- Shifting conservation to environmentalism through education, science and the arts
Charles Venuto, Instructor School of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math

The dynamics of indigenous governance: technology, conflict and cooperation
Michelle Watts, Faculty Director School of Security and Global Studies

Death, Displacement and Hope: Comparing Jordan and Lebanon's Responses to the Syrian Refugee Crisis
Dr. Deborah Wheeler, Instructor School of Security and Global Studies

The Impact of the Domestic Policy Context on the Europeanization of Civil Society Organizations’ Political Activity
Melissa Schnyder, Ph.D

Can Islamists be Secularized? Religion and Politics in Urban Bangladesh
Sayeed Iftekhar Ahmed, Ph.D.

Unconventional Warfare Project
Dr. Jon Holstine Project Launch: April 2016

Special Operations Research Project
Dr. Robert Redding Project Launch: March 2016

Conferences & Webinars

The VACCINE Center (Visual Analytics for Command, Control, and Interoperability Environments), a U.S. Department of Homeland Security Center of Excellence, and American Military University are proud to present a quarterly webinar series focused on homeland security technology in an effort to get people talking about problems, challenges, and solutions to keep our country safe.
In cooperation with the Policy Studies Organization, the Guest Lecture Series of the Philosophical Society of Washington are selected to appeal to those with a general interest in science and do not require a specialized knowledge of the subject.
September 20-22, 2018, St. Anne’s College, Oxford, England
Question the theses of democratic renewal and decay in a digital world. Political campaigns, social movements and democratic debate increasingly take place in digital settings, with all the possibilities this implies.
October 12, 2018, at the historic Whittemore House, Washington DC.
This event promotes interdisciplinary dialogue about topics related to criminology in its broadest context, including causes, consequences both on a micro and macro level, control and prevention.
November 2018, specific date TBD. George Mason University, Arlington, VA
The Policy Studies Organization, American Public University, and the World Medical & Health Policy Journal (WMHP) proudly sponsor the George Mason University School of Policy, Government and International Affairs' Third Annual Summit on Global Food Security and Health, hosted every year in the fall. Academics from universities in the U.S. and abroad discuss their research on food security with an eye to improving access, addressing challenges and developing partnerships to improve global food security and related health outcomes.
November 2018, specific date TBD, at George Mason University, Arlington, VA
Co-sponsored by the World Medical and Health Policy journal, the forum brings together policy researchers, policymakers, and those working in the community to significantly reduce the effects of homelessness on health.
November 2018, specific location and date TBD
How is the radically transformed external environment – particularly with the locus of economic power shifting to Asia –creating new challenges for the Philippines?
December 7, 2018 at the Historic Whittemore House, Washington DC
Promotes interdisciplinary dialogue about pressing issues related to science, technology and the environment.
December 7, 2018 at the Historic Whittemore House, Washington DC
In cooperation with American Public University and Texas State University, the PSO hosts the Westminster Debates, using a traditional parliamentary style. This year's debates will take place as part of the Dupont Summit.

Past Events

Our participation in past events is a good indicator of what to expect the next time the event is held.

March 7 & 8, 2018, at George Mason University, Arlington, VA
Consider the broad ranging social determinants of health on a global scale that importantly influence health outcomes for women everywhere, which in turn has implications for economic, political and social development.
May 17 & 18, 2018, at the historic Whittemore House, Washington DC
Not Men Only: Sisters, Sororities, and Ritualistic Societies explores curriculum revision and government officials in numerous agencies. Event is in connection with the Digest of Middle East journal, and sponsored by the Policy Studies Organization and the University of Wisconsin.
March 23, 2018, at the historic Whittemore House, Washington DC
Challenging times for democracy is this year’s theme: Democracy and Its Discontents. The aftermath of the 2008 and the 2011 economic crises opened spaces for new challengers and popular grievances as economic inequality, identity politics, and polarization dominate political debates.
December 2017, at the Whittemore House, Washington DC
Sponsored by the the Policy Studies Organization and the PSO'S Review of Policy Research Policy & Internet, Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy, and World Medical and Health Policy journals.
November 2017, George Mason University
Sponsored by the Policy Studies Organization and the World Medical and Health Policy journal. The forum is an academic conference bringing together policy researchers, policymakers, and those working in the community to significantly reduce the effects of homelessness on health.
November 2017
The Maritime Risk Symposium brings together local, state, and federal authorities, academics, and industry professionals to discuss the threats and challenges to maritime cyber security and the marine transportation system. Sponsored by Tiffin University, a member of the Department of Homeland Security Coastal Resilience Center of Excellence, in collaboration with Center for Cyber Defense & Forensics, American Military University, and other local, state, and federal authorities.
November 2017
This dynamic and interactive group values discussion as much as formal presentations. These meetings are a place to network with other researchers, share ideas, explore the practicality of research ideas, find a research partner, or simply find encouragement to continue the research process. The Research SIG typically meets on the 3rd Wednesday of every month and is open to APUS Faculty, Students and Staff. Contact Dr. Suzanne Minarcine for more information.
October 2017
This event discussed issues with an eye to improving access, addressing challenges, and developing partnerships to improve global food security and related health outcomes. It is organized in cooperation with the Policy Studies Organization, the World Medical & Health Policy journal, the Center for the Study of International Medical Policies and Practices (CSIMPP) in the School of Policy, Government and International Affairs at George Mason University, World Food Policy Open Access Journal, and American Public University.
October 2017, at the historic Whittemore House, Washington DC
Co-sponsored by the PSO International Journal on Criminology. The call for proposals for the next conference is now open. Papers and panels invited on criminology in its broadest context.
October 2017
Sponsored by the Policy Studies Organization. The Asian Politics and Policy Conference brings together academics, government analysts, and public intellectuals to consider how a radically transformed external environment – particularly with the locus of economic power shifting to Asia – is creating new policy challenges for the Philippines' political economy, foreign policy, security, and national as well as regional identity.
May 2017, Paris, France
Convened by the journal Ritual, Secrecy, and Civil Society in cooperation with the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris- France, the World Conference on Fraternalism, Freemasonry, and History focuses on the study of ritual, secrecy, and civil society vis-à-vis the dynamics of Masonic scholarship around the world. The meeting is a part of the Policy Studies Organization's support of research into social capital, civility, and the role of non governmental organizations in democracy.
