Tuition Rates Per Credit Hour

  • Undergraduate: $350 | $250 with preferred military grant*
  • Master's Degrees and Graduate Certificates: $455 | $290 with preferred military grant*
  • Doctoral: visit program page for rates
  • Audit: $100


  • Admission and registration: $0
  • Doctoral application fee: $100
  • Technology Fee (per undergraduate course): $0
  • Technology Fee (per master's-level course): $85 | $0 for active-duty military servicemembers, and for National Guard and Reserve personnel when using military TA
  • Late registration: $50
  • Certificate completion: $25
  • Graduate comprehensive exam: $250
  • Graduation (for most degrees): $150
  • Transcripts (per copy):
    • Official electronic: $10
    • Official paper: $20
    • Unofficial electronic: $5

*All U.S. active-duty servicemembers, National Guard members, Reservists, and military families, (parents, spouses, legal partners, siblings, and dependents) are eligible for the Preferred Military Rate of $250/credit hour for undergraduate and $290/credit hour for master’s-level courses. The Preferred Military Rate, which is applied automatically, supersedes all other university grants and special rates, and cannot be combined with any other special promotions.

Note: Fees may vary by academic program. For example, ENGR and ELEN courses incur a $100 technology fee.

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For additional information on paying for school, refunds and withdrawals, and tuition policies, visit our tuition and financing pages on American Military University or American Public University.